Puas yog ob tog yuav tsum tuaj koom kom hloov lub tsheb npe hauv PA?
Puas yog ob tog yuav tsum tuaj koom kom hloov lub tsheb npe hauv PA?

Video: Puas yog ob tog yuav tsum tuaj koom kom hloov lub tsheb npe hauv PA?

Video: Puas yog ob tog yuav tsum tuaj koom kom hloov lub tsheb npe hauv PA?
Video: Laj tsawb-nkauj tawm tshiab ( kênh music hmoob ) ntxhais hmoob tuaj suav teb tuaj 2024, Cuaj hlis

Lub xeev ntawm Pennsylvania xav kom ob leeg tus neeg yuav khoom thiab tus muag khoom mus rau DMV ua ke hloov cov lub npe rau tus tswv tshiab. Qhov no tsis yog xaiv tau (qee lub xeev tso cai rau cov neeg yuav khoom thiab cov muag khoom txiav txim siab ntawm no).

Ib qho ntxiv, puas yog ob tog yuav tsum muaj tam sim no los hloov lub npe hauv PA?

Muag Tshiab Tsheb The tus neeg muag khoom kos npe yuav tsum tau sau tseg lossis txheeb xyuas ntawm lub npe Pennsylvania . Cov tus neeg muag khoom kos npe yuav tsum tau sau tseg ntawm qee lub xeev lub npe . Box 68597, Harrisburg, Tebchaws Asmeskas PA 17106-8597, tshwj tsis yog cov tus muag khoom npaj rau hloov phaj rau lwm tus tsheb.

Tsis tas li, koj puas tuaj yeem muab khoom plig tsheb rau phooj ywg hauv PA? Raws li koj cov lus nug, yog koj ua tau muab a tsheb rau ib tug txheeb ze ntawm a khoom plig kev zam. Txawm li cas los xij, muaj ob peb txoj cai siv. Tus neeg yuav khoom thiab tus muag khoom yuav tsum tau ua daim ntawv pov thawj ntawm khoom plig daim ntawv los ntawm PennDOT. Koj yuav yuav tsum tau ua pov thawj tias kev muag se tau them rau lub xeev thaum lub sijhawm tsheb twb xub yuav.

Kuj nug, koj xav tau dab tsi los hloov lub npe tsheb hauv PA?

  1. Ib daim ntawv pov thawj thawj thiab siv tau.
  2. Daim ntawv pov thawj.
  3. Them nqi.

Nws raug nqi ntau npaum li cas los hloov cov cim npe thiab npe hauv PA?

Raws li xyoo 2015, Pennsylvania Department of Transportation's (PennDOT) tau tshaj tawm tus nqi rau npe tsheb thiab tag hloov yog $50. Feem ntau cov se muag yuav raug them raws li tus nqi cais, txawm tias tsis muaj se muag yog yuav tsum tau thaum lub cav tsheb yog muab khoom plig rau lwm tus tswv.

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