Flash fluted tuaj yeem ua dab tsi?
Flash fluted tuaj yeem ua dab tsi?

Video: Flash fluted tuaj yeem ua dab tsi?

Video: Flash fluted tuaj yeem ua dab tsi?
Video: Tuag ua dab mam rov los cab koj mus By : Duab tshav ntuj ci xyooj 2024, Cuaj hlis

Palmetto State Armory fluted flash tau yog tsim los ncaj qha muzzle gases thiab nyem rau pem hauv ntej thiab deb ntawm tus neeg teb xov tooj. PSA fluted flash tau coj cov pa roj thiab suab nrov kom deb ntawm tus neeg tua phom, thaum txhim kho qhov riam phom zoo li.

Tsuas yog li ntawd, lub flash yuav ua li cas?

KOJ INDUSTRY " YUAV UA LI CAS ". Qhov no yog ib qho khoom siv 6061 ALUMINIUM uas tau tsim los ncaj qha MUZZLE Gases thiab MUZZLE FLASH FORWARD. Cov khoom siv no tau tsim los ua kom cov khoom siv hluav taws xob ncaj qha thiab suab nrov rau pem hauv ntej ntawm tus neeg tua phom thiab txhim kho cov riam phom zoo.

Ib tus kuj tseem tuaj yeem nug, lub foob pob tawg yog dab tsi? Qty: Nqe lus piav qhia. Lub MBP "Vortex Blast Can "tso cai rau Muzzle tawg kom tawm mus tom ntej ntawm tus neeg teb xov tooj tshem tawm Muzzle Flash Blinding. Qhov no yog tshwj xeeb tshaj yog pab tau nyob rau hauv tsis tshua muaj teeb meem los yog tsaus ntuj. Lub tsev tso tawm sab hauv sab hauv kom txo qis kev sib tsoo thiab muab cov lus qhia rau pem hauv ntej tawg tswj.

Ib sab saum toj no, puas yog lub flash tuaj yeem ua kom muaj zog?

A flash suppressor , tseem hu ua a nyem zov, nyem tshem tawm, flash neeg siv , los yog nyem lub khob hliav qab, yog rab phom rab phom txuas rau lub qhov ncauj ntawm rab phom uas txo nws txoj kev kos npe pom thaum tua los ntawm cua txias lossis faib cov roj hlawv uas tawm ntawm lub qhov ncauj, qhov tshwm sim zoo li carbine ntev riam phom.

Puas Flash cov kaus poom txo cov suab nrov?

Nws suab txias thaum koj tua lawv hauv qhov chaw sab hauv. Cov suab nrov bounces tawm ntawm phab ntsa tom qab thiab npuaj rov qab rau koj. Lawv tsis ua ua tag nrho ntau rau ua nws nyob ntsiag to, lawv nyob ntsiag to dua li nres lossis nyem nkaum. lawv tsuas yog ntsiag to dua tus nres lossis nyem neeg nkaum.

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